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Results, Standings and Stats: Week 8 (Nov 19th)
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Week 7 (Nov 12) Results, Standings, and Stats
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Results, Standings and Stats Week 6 (Nov 5)
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Results, Standings and Stats through Week 5 (Oct 29)
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Results, Standings and Stats Week 4 (Oct 22)
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Results, Standings and Stats through Week 3 (Oct 15)
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Week 3 Schedule: Please Note: No Games on Thanksgiving Weekend!
There are no games slated for Thanksgiving weekend (October 8th). Play resumes October 15th. Tweet... More>
Week 2 Standings and Stats
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Week 1 Standings and Stats
(Please note: Haven’t had time to scrutinize but a quick look-see seemed to add up. Cyall Sunday! Tweet... More>